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Spanish Class Taught Me That Jejemon Thing

        Hola! Yesterday was the resume of our classes and what's crazy about it is that I have two classes of 3 long hours each and dismissal is by 9 o'clock in the evening. Yeah, I know that sounds exhausting. Haha. It's just like my schedule whenever I have rehearsals for theater plays in the theater organization that I'm in. Perhaps, my theater rehearsals are more pressuring than my studies (in terms of time and schedule). Oh I remember again that 3 long hours! I have that feeling that I might feel sleepy in class, or just pretend to listen and doodle my classmates one by one, or even my professor!

        Well, what made my yesterday a "day" is my Spanish class. I was excited to take that subject and learn the Spanish language. Actually, I know how to speak a bit in Italian by self-taught. I just bought a book three years ago and I learned it by myself. I have the idea that Italian and Spanish language are nearly the same, that's why I am pretty confident I would learn Spanish easier and I wouldn't have a hard time twisting my tongue to get that European accent. hahahahaa.

        What did Spanish Class really teach me? Well, educational enough, it taught me that "jejemon" thing. J in Spanish is pronounced as Jota ("Hota"). The J sounds like H. When Spaniards write a written laughing expression, they write it as "JEJEJE" (sounds HEHEHE) or "JAJAJA" (sounds HAHAHAHA). They laugh normally like we do but it's different when it is spelled.  In short, the jejemon laugh is a Spanish language. I'm not saying that the Spaniards are jejemons. What I mean is that, most jejemons do not know that they are already practicing their language in a Spanish way. Interesting, right? :)

        I promise not to miss any of my Spanish class this semester!

        JEJEJEJE... Adios!

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