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Into This Business: iShopaholic

iShopaholic. The Internet Shopaholic's Bestfriend.

For great fashion finds at affordable prices, visit my online shop at http://ishopaholic.multiply.com/

            means "internet shopaholic"

iShopaholic is an online fashion shop for internet shopaholics. It offers fashion clothing, accessories, shoes, and everything every internet shopaholic would love. It came from the idea that I am also a certified self-confessed internet shopaholic. Yes, self-confessed. So, I thought I could put up my own business to share my addiction with my fellow iShopaholics and at the same time, to earn for a reason.

You know you are an iShopaholic.
Admit it.
Be self-confessed.

Your Bestfriend,
Mavee ♥

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